Ha. Mungkin ada yang mengatakan, memang senang mulut engko berkata-kata, mampukah jika engko yang perlu buat itu semua?
Memang berat. Mampukah kamu? Semuanya bergantung pada penerimaan kita bila akal dan perasaan, minda dan hati berperang: Diam atau melawan? Dipijak atau memberontak? Lupakan atau berdendam? Biarkan atau balas?
Pernahkah, dalam keadaan di mana ramai yang akan faham jika anda memilih untuk membalas atau berdendam malah mereka begitu bersemangat menyokong anda, tetapi anda memilih tindakan yang sebaliknya, iaitu berdiam diri dan membiarkan?
Berdiam diri tidak bermakna lemah. Memang sesetengah orang akan memandang kita lemah, malah bodoh tapi itu tidak bermakna anggapan mereka betul. Pujian atau cacian sama saja, kedua-duanya harus diterima dengan berpada-pada. Pujian mungkin ada palsunya dan cacian mungkin ada benarnya. Tetapi, hanya kita yang berada di kedudukan kita, dan mereka tidak melalui 100% apa yang kita lalui. Kadang-kadang seronok memerhatikan mereka yang menganggap kita tidak tahu apa-apa. Kadang-kadang lebih seronok menyertai permainan mereka. Kan?
Berdiam bukan bermakna mengalah atau berhenti berjuang. Kadang-kadang penat memaksa kita berehat seketika. Putus asa pun ada pengakhirannya jika kita dapat semangat untuk bangkit kembali. Cuma, hidup ini terlalu singkat dan tak berbaloi untuk berdendam lama-lama atau berputus asa. Lebih baik buat perkara yang menggembirakan, tinggalkan masa lalu yang membebankan perasaan namun jangan lupa apa yang menjadikan siapa kita hari ini, dan cari peluang untuk diri sendiri dalam baki waktu yang masih ada untuk kita. Mungkin dalam perlawanan ada semangat yang nyata, tapi berdiam diri juga ada kekuatannya yang tersendiri. Semangat perjuangan tetap kena ada, tetapi kekerasan dan caci maki tidak semestinya perlu dibalas serupa, ada waktunya lebih baik simpan tenaga untuk sesuatu yang lebih bermakna.
Pernahkah, dalam keadaan di mana ramai yang akan faham jika anda memilih untuk membalas atau berdendam malah mereka begitu bersemangat menyokong anda, tetapi anda memilih tindakan yang sebaliknya, iaitu berdiam diri dan membiarkan?
Berdiam diri tidak bermakna lemah. Memang sesetengah orang akan memandang kita lemah, malah bodoh tapi itu tidak bermakna anggapan mereka betul. Pujian atau cacian sama saja, kedua-duanya harus diterima dengan berpada-pada. Pujian mungkin ada palsunya dan cacian mungkin ada benarnya. Tetapi, hanya kita yang berada di kedudukan kita, dan mereka tidak melalui 100% apa yang kita lalui. Kadang-kadang seronok memerhatikan mereka yang menganggap kita tidak tahu apa-apa. Kadang-kadang lebih seronok menyertai permainan mereka. Kan?
Berdiam bukan bermakna mengalah atau berhenti berjuang. Kadang-kadang penat memaksa kita berehat seketika. Putus asa pun ada pengakhirannya jika kita dapat semangat untuk bangkit kembali. Cuma, hidup ini terlalu singkat dan tak berbaloi untuk berdendam lama-lama atau berputus asa. Lebih baik buat perkara yang menggembirakan, tinggalkan masa lalu yang membebankan perasaan namun jangan lupa apa yang menjadikan siapa kita hari ini, dan cari peluang untuk diri sendiri dalam baki waktu yang masih ada untuk kita. Mungkin dalam perlawanan ada semangat yang nyata, tapi berdiam diri juga ada kekuatannya yang tersendiri. Semangat perjuangan tetap kena ada, tetapi kekerasan dan caci maki tidak semestinya perlu dibalas serupa, ada waktunya lebih baik simpan tenaga untuk sesuatu yang lebih bermakna.
There must have been so many times that we've heard how unfair life is. So much anger, pain, sadness, fear and disappointment. There's some that remain in memories and some that are forgotten. But rather than forgetting about it all, it might be better to have been able to accept and forgive...whether ourselves or others. Because by forgetting, the lessons learned might also vanish. By forgiving, the heart becomes lighter. Take the experience we encounter in life, whether good or bad, as a guidance. The good ones as examples, the bad ones as precautions.
It is of course, easier said than done. There is a constant fight between mind and heart, logic and feelings. Stay silent or fight back? Get stepped on or rebel? Forget or hold a grudge? Just let it be, or revenge?
Has there been a situation where people would completely understand and support you if you choose to fight back or lose your temper, but you chose the opposite? You chose to stay silent and let it be.
Doing that does not mean that we are weak. There will be people who see us as weaklings or fools but that does not mean that they are right. Both compliments and criticism should be taken with a grain of salt. Not all compliments are sincere and not all criticism are bad. In the end, the only person standing in our shoes are us, and nobody would ever fully know, in exact, what we went through in our lives. Sometimes it's amusing to observe those who think we know nothing. Sometimes it's even more fun to play along with their games.
And it does not mean that we give up or stop fighting. Sometimes the effort of surviving forces us to take a break, to rest and replenish our energy. Even the act of giving up will stop once we regain the spirit to get back in the game of life. However the thing is, this life is too short and it's not worth holding grudges and stop trying. It is better to do what keeps us happy and sane, and leave the burden of our past behind but do not forget the lessons that made us who we are today, Find opportunities for ourselves in this remaining time of our lives. Obviously we see a spirited person when one fights and stands up for what one believes in, but remember, one who is silent also possess a quiet strength. The spirit of fighting must always be kept alive, however not every display of force or harsh words should be returned the same, sometimes it is better to save the energy for something more worthwhile.
It is of course, easier said than done. There is a constant fight between mind and heart, logic and feelings. Stay silent or fight back? Get stepped on or rebel? Forget or hold a grudge? Just let it be, or revenge?
Has there been a situation where people would completely understand and support you if you choose to fight back or lose your temper, but you chose the opposite? You chose to stay silent and let it be.
Doing that does not mean that we are weak. There will be people who see us as weaklings or fools but that does not mean that they are right. Both compliments and criticism should be taken with a grain of salt. Not all compliments are sincere and not all criticism are bad. In the end, the only person standing in our shoes are us, and nobody would ever fully know, in exact, what we went through in our lives. Sometimes it's amusing to observe those who think we know nothing. Sometimes it's even more fun to play along with their games.
And it does not mean that we give up or stop fighting. Sometimes the effort of surviving forces us to take a break, to rest and replenish our energy. Even the act of giving up will stop once we regain the spirit to get back in the game of life. However the thing is, this life is too short and it's not worth holding grudges and stop trying. It is better to do what keeps us happy and sane, and leave the burden of our past behind but do not forget the lessons that made us who we are today, Find opportunities for ourselves in this remaining time of our lives. Obviously we see a spirited person when one fights and stands up for what one believes in, but remember, one who is silent also possess a quiet strength. The spirit of fighting must always be kept alive, however not every display of force or harsh words should be returned the same, sometimes it is better to save the energy for something more worthwhile.
i choose to be silence whatever situation.. for me being silence is not showing everybody that im weak..but show that im good enough to think what best for me..maybe there are some other way to solve the situation, whether good or bad.
ReplyDeleteyes, right...good for you..