Friday 2 August 2013

A Fool During A Hot Day.

If there's a river nearby or even a creek, hell, I'd take a bath in my work clothes during lunch break. Maybe I won't even wait for lunch break.

A fool during a hot day : In 5 minutes I've changed my sitting spots three times, maybe more, to find the shadiest, coolest part of this zinc-roofed, wooden cabin I'm working in. Turned out to be on the floor. Then at one corner of the wall. Oh, and under the table (tried to squeeze under but gave up, only because my hat was too big I couldn't get under comfortably). Yes, I shamelessly wear big, big hats that might have had people mistaken me as a gardening granny, shoveling earth in the middle of the road.

My face was forever frowning that you would think I am eternally constipated. My Chinese fan is getting worn out and broken.

In this kind of weather, it's a wonder that I could still feel sleepy. But my brain was still active and it's saying hothothot! I think the clock in my brain outran the time itself. How? When I thought 15 minutes had passed, the clock showed that it's only been 3. My brain is Usain Bolt and the clock is a snail! Yeah! *nonsensenonsense*

Desperate situation calls for desperate measure . . . so I took a desperate action :

Ah . . . what bliss . . . no matter how temporary it was . . . by using a wet baby wipe, my face felt heavenly refreshed . . . like a baby's bottom . . .


What did you mean by does it really have to be that?

It's baby wipes.

Anyway, how is it? Pretty good commercial lines, huh? Hurhurhur *puke*.

Ah . . . the feeling of being refreshed by the alcohol free, paraben free cooling veil that eased the heat . . . so nice . . . I don't care anymore. Hurhurhur~~~

1 comment:

Hi...any thoughts to share? Kamon and komen...dont shy-shy. You shy i not shy.