Friday 2 June 2017

Scribbles under the stars

Photocredit: Google Image


Have you cried while feeling so broken and alone, so lost that you felt like you are going insane, that to stop that crushing pain you really just had to hold your own hands tightly the way two persons would, hoping for the little comfort that you so desperately needed..because that comfort, is now a stranger.


Have you ever had to literally cover your ears, to stop hearing the conversation you wish you didn't had, or the things you wish you didn't hear, replaying again and again in your mind?


Do you know when you truly genuinely wish for someone to have the best things in life, but your heart just proceeded to override your brain, eventually vandalizing your words and actions.


Then you scolded yourself over and over for the stupid things you did or said, promising yourself you'll be better, then end up losing the battle to your heart in split second? Ambushed by your own self without even had the chance to think twice. Shame on you, brain.


Do you know what it feels like to miss someone terribly, but couldn't even text properly or have a decent call anymore, because life. Life happens.


Do you understand how it feels to have to convince yourself that something better is coming to you..
...over and over again? Each day?
After losing what feels like the best?


Do you know how hard it is to go through routine without the most likable parts of it in it? 


And through those times when the pain suddenly hits, your heart beats wildly and you just want to collapse somewhere to recover, but cant.
Because you are somewhere you don't really want to be doing something you don't really feel like doing, around other people who are oblivious to your struggles.


Do you know how hard it is wishing and praying for someone's happiness while knowing that you are not a part of it anymore?


The weight of emotions can be really crippling. Many people will agree. After all, we are just human.

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Hi...any thoughts to share? Kamon and komen...dont shy-shy. You shy i not shy.